the Design

The ‘Wear It On Your Sleeve’ T- Shirt, is designed to be just as comfortable and stylish as it socially and environmentally conscious. 

The phrase itself originates from Shakespeare's Othello, and as the idiom goes, wearing your heart on your sleeve is about displaying your true emotions and being transparent.

The different colored sleeve captures and represents the story behind our shirt: a beautiful product made half-way around the world by men and women who are given the opportunity to thrive in their occupations and lives while providing for their families. As consumers, we unconsciously support whatever story our clothes have. Often that story is of worker exploitation and extreme amounts of pollution, but this shirt tells a story that will make you proud every time you pass a mirror (Read Below!). When you purchase this shirt, you support a new way of thinking and doing. Wear it on your sleeve! 

The modern design paired with the comfort of the remnant fabric allows for great versatility with this shirt. It can be worn to the gym, to class, or a casual night out!

How It's Made


Each Wear It On Your Sleeve shirt is manufactured by a zero waste, ethical manufacturer that provides its employees well above a living wage and the opportunity to move into management positions in its team based workplace. 

In the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia; a city well-known for its lack of ethical standards in environmental protection, worker safety and labor compensation. Our manufacturing partner operates in a way that encourages collaboration, education, and progression for its employees. The raw materials they source for garment manufacturing are remnants and taken through a production process that yields zero-waste. 

By utilizing manufacturing facilities committed to these practices, we support the continued disruption of an inhumane industry with positive and moral business practices. We are proud to represent this story, and you should be too!